What is this web page for:
This page belongs to the company Stadtmeister Vent Srl is for informational purpose and contains general information on the products we sell and the services we provide.
This product catalogue is designed to present the products sold by Stadtmeister Vent Srl. Currently we are unable to process and deliver the online orders and card payments cannot be accepted. It is best to contact us directly by phone after viewing the products at 0758 734 567 and 0754 429 720 or by email at vanzari@stadtmeister.ro.
Declaration of conformity (warranty certificate)
It is released upon request, all products sold by Stadtmeister Vent Srl are intended for use in the field of air conditioning and ventilation (according to the Government Decision no. 1022/2002). They do not have a negative impact on the environment, do not endanger health, safety at work or life.
Warranty period of the sold products sold: 12 months
ISO: 9001 certification 9001
Price: Excludes transport / delivery costs and VAT
Payment Terms:
The accepted payment currency is the Romanian leu (Lei / Ron), even if the offers available on the site are in EURO, the price will be calculated at the National Bank of Romania rate of exchange from the date of invoicing. All the offers in EURO are valid for 30 days.
Payment methods:
- Payment by money order in advance - valid for legal entities that do not benefit from a collaboration contract.
- cash on delivery for the collaborators who wish to deliver orders remotely (Stadtmeister Vent Srl does not provide transport, it is the responsibility of the beneficiary. Including cash on delivery fees, cash refund in collector account))
- Payment at maturity according to the contract - only after a financial analysis, conclusion of a contract proposed by Stadtmeister Vent Srl and submitting the guarantee documents (check / promissory note guaranteed)
Transport / delivery: We do not provide transport the transport costs are borne by the beneficiary. Including the cash on delivery fees, cash refund in collector account We do not recommend the courier system for transporting bulky parts.
Orders: : minimum order 200 euros + VAT.
Execution deadline: For the products that are not in stock and are available for pre-order delivery time.
Delivery time for products in stock: 24 - 48 hours from the time of the payment confirmation.
Return / complaints: any comments related to the quality of the products shall be done in writing by mail or to the address office@stadtmeister.ro within maximum of 5 working days from delivery. Request the acknowledgement of receipt. After this deadline, the return of parts with potential flaws or defects is no longer accepted.